How small genetic change in Yersinia pestis changed human history

While studying Yersinia pestis, the bacteria responsible for epidemics of plague such as the Black Death, Wyndham Lathem, Ph.D., assistant professor in microbiology-immunology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of ...

Oldest bubonic plague genome decoded

An international team of researchers led by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History has analyzed two 3,800-year-old Y. pestis genomes that suggest a Bronze Age origin for bubonic plague. The strain identified ...

Oak has secret weapon against caterpillar

A plague of caterpillars is munching its way through the leaves on our trees. Oak forests are suffering the most, reports the Nature Calendar. Cause for concern? Not according to entomologist and expert on insect pests, Leen ...

To aid ferrets, vaccine treats planned for prairie dogs

Feeding peanut butter kibbles to millions of prairie dogs—by flinging the treats from four-wheelers and dropping them from drones—could be the next big thing to help a spunky little weasel that almost went extinct.

China's wars, rebellions driven by climate: study

Two millennia of foreign invasions and internal wars in China were driven more by cooling climate than by feudalism, class struggle or bad government, a bold study released Wednesday argued.

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