Two holograms in one surface

A team at Caltech has figured out a way to encode more than one holographic image in a single surface without any loss of resolution. The engineering feat overturns a long-held assumption that a single surface could only ...

Google's phones and other gadgets have had a bumpy ride

Google, which prides itself on developing simple, intuitive software that seems to know what you want almost before you do, is finding itself in a very different world when it comes to its own phones and other gadgets.

The stacked color sensor

Red-sensitive, blue-sensitive and green-sensitive color sensors stacked on top of each other instead of being lined up in a mosaic pattern – this principle could allow image sensors with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity ...

Don't want the new iPhone? Try these smartphone alternatives

Three new versions of the iPhone have just been announced, and while they may be light years ahead of Apple's previous models, they may not be for everyone. Looking for a quality smartphone not made by the big A?

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