Linguistic style is key to crowdfunding success

In one of the first crowdfunding studies focusing on social enterprises, researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have found that how a pitch is voiced and worded is much more important for social entrepreneurs ...

Why we need to start listening to insects

It's a warm summer afternoon in the Tanzanian village of Lupiro, and Mikkel Brydegaard is crouching in a brick hut, trying to fix a broken laser. Next to him, on a tall tripod, three telescopes point through a window at a ...

Singing in the brain: Songbirds sing like humans

A songbirds' vocal muscles work like those of human speakers and singers, finds a study recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience. The research on Bengalese finches showed that each of their vocal muscles can change ...

In VW inquiry, states scrutinize ads to build case

For years, Volkswagen lured customers with "clean diesel" ads that sent cars zooming off the lot and the company's revenues spiraling. Now, in the wake of VW's admission that its software cheated emissions tests, those ads ...

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