Blue whales have perfect pitch

Blue whales have the remarkable ability to synchronize the pitch of their songs so that they all hit the exact same note, according to a new study. Professor of Physics Roger Bland recorded thousands of whale songs off the ...

Pitching an idea

( -- Elbow injuries suffered by pitchers in Major League Baseball occur frequently and result in tens of millions of dollars in losses each season, representing the money that must be paid in salaries to pitchers ...

For sale by tweet: Social networking to sell homes

(AP) -- When you sign up for Facebook or Twitter, you expect to get a stream of random messages from the people that make up your virtual social network - but pitches on homes for sale?

Why we need to start listening to insects

It's a warm summer afternoon in the Tanzanian village of Lupiro, and Mikkel Brydegaard is crouching in a brick hut, trying to fix a broken laser. Next to him, on a tall tripod, three telescopes point through a window at a ...

Expert offers advice on how to 'pitch' a good research idea

For many students or junior academics—and even for senior investigators—initiating a new piece of research can be a daunting experience, and they often do not know where or how to begin. A recent Accounting and Finance ...

Speakers of a tone language show improved pitch perception

People who speak Cantonese, a tonal language, demonstrate enhance musical pitch perception relative to Canadian French and English speakers, according to an Apr. 11 report in the open access journal PLoS ONE.

Applying Newton's Laws of Motion to Baseball Pitching

The April 2009 edition of Mechanical Engineering magazine profiles Mike Marshall, the former major league baseball hurler who teaches a pitching methodology based on Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion.

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