Swedish regulator to Pirate Bay suitor: where's the money?

Swedish financial regulators want Pirate Bay suitor Global Gaming Factory to reveal how it will fund its takeover of the popular download site despite GGF chief executive Hans Pandeya insisting Thursday that a deal could ...

The Pirate Bay back online after fine threat

The Pirate Bay, one of the world's most popular filesharing websites, was back online on Tuesday after being shut down when a Swedish court threatened its bandwith supplier with a hefty fine.

Fine threat puts The Pirate Bay off the Intenet

The Pirate Bay, one of the world's most popular filesharing websites, is off the Internet after a Swedish court threatened its bandwith supplier with a hefty fine, news reports said Tuesday.

Pirate Party swashbuckles into Finnish politics

The Pirate Party, which first rose to prominence in Sweden during June's European elections, has now been officially launched in Finland, the group's leader said on Wednesday.

China trade ruling helps US, but piracy a problem

(AP) -- American companies counting on a favorable trade ruling against China to boost sales of CDs, DVDs, books and video games will need a crackdown on rampant piracy before they can reap big benefits.

Pirate Bay to challenge Dutch ban

The owners of Swedish filesharing website The Pirate Bay will seek a retrial after a Dutch court temporarily banned its activities in the Netherlands, their lawyer said on Monday.

Pirate Bay suitor GGF set for deal with record label

Global Gaming Factory (GGF), the Swedish online games firm set to acquire illegal download site The Pirate Bay, said on Wednesday it was close to signing a record deal with a major record company.

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