Related topics: nasa

International team to drill beneath massive antarctic ice shelf

( -- An international team of researchers funded by NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) will travel next month to one of Antarctica's most active, remote and harsh spots to determine how changes in ...

Watching the birth of an iceberg

( -- After discovering an emerging crack that cuts across the floating ice shelf of Pine Island Glacier in Antarctica, NASA's Operation IceBridge has flown a follow-up mission and made the first-ever detailed ...

Polar ice caps studied on airborne science mission

In February 2010, NASA satellite ICESat-1 (Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite) was decommissioned. Designed as a three-year mission, it successfully met its goal of returning science data for five years. Its replacement, ...

Antarctica: Cracks in the ice

In recent years, the Pine Island Glacier and the Thwaites Glacier in west Antarctica has been undergoing rapid changes, with potentially major consequences for rising sea levels. However, the processes that underlie these ...

Emerging cracks in the Pine Island Glacier

The Copernicus Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites have revealed new cracks, or rifts, in the Pine Island Glacier—one of the primary ice arteries in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The two large rifts were first spotted ...

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