Microsoft expands ad-free Bing search for schools

Microsoft is expanding a program that gives schools the ability to prevent ads from appearing in search results when they use its Bing search engine. The program, launched in a pilot program earlier this year, is now available ...

How prepared is your pilot to deal with an emergency?

Pilots receive extensive training on effectively handling emergency situations that may arise in the cockpit. However, during several recent highly-publicized airline incidents, the pilots neglected to apply the skills they ...

Image: View from an F-15D

NASA pilot Jim Less and photographer Jim Ross pull their F-15D #897 aircraft away from a KC-135 refueling tanker. NASA is supporting the Edwards Air Force Base F-15 program with safety and photo chase expertise.

New sub-species of pilot whale identified in Pacific Ocean

Short-finned pilot whales are found over a wide swath of the world's oceans, with habitats in the Indian, and Pacific, and North Atlantic oceans. Despite this wide distribution, the whales have been recognized as a single ...

Hunting for dark galaxies with FAST project

A large-scale neutral hydrogen (HI) survey of the local universe is one of the major science initiatives under the Five-hundred Meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) project.

Self-confidence the secret to workplace advancement

(—The old saying "fake it until you make it" might actually be sound professional advice, with new University of Melbourne research finding self-confidence is a key determinant of workplace success.

Facebook toys with mobile game publishing

Facebook on Tuesday got into the business of publishing mobile games, offering developers help at going global with smartphone or tablet titles in exchange for a share of revenue.

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