Pilots sleeping in the cockpit could improve airline safety

Airline pilots are often exhausted. An extreme example happened in 2008, when a pilot and a co-pilot both fell asleep at the controls, missing their landing in Hawaii—earning pilot's license suspensions as well as getting ...

New sub-species of pilot whale identified in Pacific Ocean

Short-finned pilot whales are found over a wide swath of the world's oceans, with habitats in the Indian, and Pacific, and North Atlantic oceans. Despite this wide distribution, the whales have been recognized as a single ...

Nordic microalgae cleans wastewater and produces biodiesel

Lorenza Ferro demonstrates the potential of Nordic microalgae for simultaneous production of biomass and municipal sewage treatment in our Nordic climate. She has also studied how microalgae and bacteria work together and ...

Pilot strike drags SAS net loss further down

Scandinavian airline SAS announced Tuesday that its second-quarter earnings were severely impacted by a week-long pilot strike in late April, saying it would lower its forecast for the year.

Training AI to win a dogfight

Artificial intelligence has defeated chess grandmasters, Go champions, professional poker players, and, now, world-class human experts in the online strategy games Dota 2 and StarCraft II. No AI currently exists, however, ...

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