Birch trees remove microplastics from the soil

With the help of trees, microplastic-polluted soils could be remediated. For the first time, researchers at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) have shown that birch trees absorb microplastics ...

New insights into the biology of New Zealand's pilot whales

Each year New Zealand experiences mass strandings of long-finned pilot whales along its shoreline. Exactly why these whales strand remains unclear. However, new biological insights into these phenomenal events has just been ...

Fake poop helps evicted owls settle into new neighborhood

Settling into a new home can be tough for anyone. So scientists have come up with some tricks to make transplanted burrowing owls feel like they are not alone in their new digs, playing owl sounds and scattering fake poop.

He won a trip to space. Then he gave it away to a friend

He told his family and a few friends. He dropped hints to a couple of colleagues. So hardly anyone knew that the airline pilot could have—should have—been on board when SpaceX launched its first tourists into orbit last ...

Giant rubber whale helps Kiwi rescuers battle beachings

A two-tonne rubber whale can take on a life of its own in the frigid shallows of a windswept New Zealand beach, particularly when a bedraggled group of would-be rescuers is trying to wrestle it into a harness.

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