Planarians offer a better view of eye development

Planarian flatworms have come under intense study for their renowned ability to regenerate any missing body part, even as adults. But now they may take on a starring role as a model system for studying eye development and ...

Plants could use light even more effectively for food production

( -- Scientists from Wageningen University have concluded that it is possible to develop plants that produce even more food by reducing the level of pigments which make no contribution to photosynthesis. The conclusion ...

Designing a dye you can count on

Natural substances such as chlorophyll and the heme pigment of red blood cells contain colorful molecules known as porphyrins. They owe their exceptional visual characteristics to a ‘macrocyclic’ chemical structure ...

Plant enzymes reveal complex secrets

The enzymes needed for producing and chemically modifying functionally important plant molecules called anthocyanins have been identified by a research team led by Kazuki Saito of the RIKEN Plant Science Center, Yokohama.

Flexible adult stem cells, right there in your eye

In the future, patients in need of perfectly matched neural stem cells may not need to look any further than their own eyes. Researchers reporting in the January issue of Cell Stem Cell, a Cell Press publication, have identified ...

Authenticating ancient artifacts

( -- Piecing together the history of ancient ceramic objects can be difficult, especially when all that remains is a few small shards. However, clues about the authenticity and provenance of such artifacts can ...

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