The gene of autumn colours

Researchers have found Mendel's Stay-Green gene encodes an enzyme that extracts magnesium from chlorophyll, adding clarity to understanding how the pigment degrades.

Snake eyes: New insights into visual adaptations

Snakes have adapted their vision to hunt their prey day or night. For example, snakes that need good eyesight to hunt during the day have eye lenses that act as sunglasses, filtering out ultraviolet light and sharpening their ...

Viruses cause bacteria to produce pink pigments

Plants use certain colour pigments in order to convert light into energy by way of photosynthesis. They allow plants to gather light energy. This also works in a similar way for microbes, for instance cyanobacteria. The fact ...

Spotted eggshells may indicate sickly mothers in great tits

The many colors and patterns of bird eggs can provide camouflage and help parents tell their own eggs apart from those of invaders, but a forthcoming study in The Auk: Ornithological Advances suggests another function for ...

Lizard bling colour may act as social cue

It would come as no surprise to hear that people who live in a certain area and consume a certain diet—perhaps residents of Perth's more affluent suburbs—may present themselves in a certain way to show off to everyone ...

Rainbow of glowing corals discovered in depths of the Red Sea

Glowing corals that display a surprising array of colours have been discovered in the deep water reefs of the Red Sea by scientists from the University of Southampton, UK, Tel Aviv University and the Interuniversity Institute ...

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