Researchers develop 'anti-noise' panel for quiet aircraft

Researchers from the University of Twente's CTIT research institute have developed a prototype lightweight panel that uses anti-noise to reduce noise levels inside aircraft. The panels can be used as a replacement for the ...

Smart helicopter thanks to active rotor blades

Active systems in helicopter rotor blades can adapt the blades' aerodynamic properties to local airflow conditions. The use of such systems leads to lower fuel consumption, increased maximum speed and reduced noise and vibration. ...

Researchers develop new method of controlling nanodevices

(—Electromagnetic devices, from power drills to smart-phones, require an electric current to create the magnetic fields that allow them to function. But with smaller devices, efficiently delivering a current to ...

Mini robot builds NPL probe

Precision engineering requires accurate measurements and these are often made using co-ordinate measuring machines, or CMMs.

Pressure sensor array made with polyamino acid

Japanese researchers from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), have developed an all-printed flexible pressure sensor in collaboration with Ajinomoto Co., Inc.

Generating electricity from vibrations in road surface works

A pilot research project into vibration energy on the N34 provincial motorway near Hardenberg in the eastern Netherlands has shown that vibration energy as a local energy source is a sustainable alternative for the batteries ...

Graphene's piezoelectric promise

Engineers predict that graphene can be coaxed into acting piezoelectric, merely by punching triangular holes into the material.

Panasonic, Imec present new thin film packaged MEMS resonator

Panasonic and imec present at the International Electron Devices Meeting in San Francisco an innovative SiGe (silicon germanium) thin film packaged SOI-based MEMS resonator featuring an industry-record Q factor combined with ...

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