Protein plays unexpected role in embryonic stem cells

What if you found out that pieces of your front door were occasionally flying off the door frame to carry out chores around the house? That's the kind of surprise scientists at the Salk Institute experienced with their recent ...

Wolves discriminate quantities better than dogs

Being able to mentally consider quantities makes sense for any social species. This skill is important during the search for food, for example, or to determine whether an opponent group outnumbers one's own. Scientists from ...

Mexico demands Sotheby's halt auction of artifacts

(AP)—The Mexican government demanded Wednesday that the Sotheby's auction house halt the planned sale of 51 pre-Colombian Mexican artifacts, arguing they are protected national historical pieces.

Cornell jigsaw solver uses shape-blind algorithm

( -- A Cornell scientist has come up with an algorithm that can sift through 10,000 pieces of a jigsaw in 24 hours to complete the puzzle. Andrew Gallagher at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, wrote the algorithm ...

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