Impoverished North Korea falls back on cyber weapons

As one of the world's most impoverished powers, North Korea would struggle to match America's military or economic might, but appears to have settled on a relatively cheap method to torment its foe.

Hackers warn not to release 'The Interview' in any form

Hackers sent a new email Friday to Sony Pictures Entertainment, gloating over the studio's "wise" decision to cancel the release of "The Interview" and warning not to distribute the film "in any form."

US accuses North Korea of Sony hack (Update)

The United States said Friday that North Korea was behind a cyber attack on Sony Pictures, warning that those responsible would face punishment, as an envoy for Pyongyang again denied involvement.

Clooney slams skittish Hollywood after Sony hack

Film star George Clooney slammed the Hollywood movie industry for failing to stand up against the cyber threats that prompted Sony Pictures to cancel release of the movie "The Interview."

Brazil's Coelho offers $100,000 for N. Korea parody film

Brazilian author Paulo Coelho offered Thursday to pay Sony $100,000 for rights to "The Interview," protesting the company's decision to scrap the North Korean parody film amid chilling threats from hackers.

Timeline of the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack

It's been four weeks since hackers calling themselves Guardians of Peace began their cyberterrorism campaign against Sony Pictures Entertainment. In that time thousands of executive emails and other documents have been posted ...

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