Stress and habitat linked to koala recovery

New research led by Western Sydney University Stress Lab's Dr. Edward Narayan, has found the psychological state of wild koalas and the location they are rescued from, can have significant impacts on their chances of recovery ...

Ethylene transcriptionally regulates cold stress in grapevine leaves

Low temperature can affect the development of plants and the yield of crops. Ethylene (ETH) is known to positively regulate cold tolerance. However, the role of ETH in transcriptional regulation of grapevine leaves subjected ...

Helping tobacco plants save water

Research in the Electronic Plants group at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Campus Norrköping, follows two main avenues. In one, scientists incorporate electronic circuits into plants, such as roses, in a method of ...

Assessing stress in trucked sheep

A new way of measuring the stress levels of sheep during road transport, was discussed at the Australian Veterinary Association's Annual Conference this week.

Chronic stress in elephants can affect long-term behavior

Stress is known to lead to short-term escape behavior, and new research on elephants in South Africa shows that it can also cause long-term escape behavior, affecting the extent that elephants use their habitat. The work ...

Surviving turbulent times: Lessons from the phytoplankton

Physicists from the University of Luxembourg, together with scientists from Sweden, Israel and Switzerland, have established mechanistic links between physiological stress and migratory behavior in aquatic photosynthetic ...

Summer heat waves impede animal reproduction

As we swelter through the hot Australian summer, Western Sydney University researchers have provided an insight into the broad ranging physiological effects of summer heatwaves on animals.

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