Assessing stress in trucked sheep

A new way of measuring the stress levels of sheep during road transport, was discussed at the Australian Veterinary Association's Annual Conference this week.

Scientist pushes boundaries of food sensory research

Anyone who has ever been lured by the call of a dozen fat- and sugar-laden donuts in the office break room while a healthy container of yogurt looks on helplessly can relate to Susan Duncan's research regarding emotions, ...

Widely used pesticide toxic to honeybees

An international research team—Drs. Stephan Caravalho, Luc Belzunces and colleagues from Universidade Federal de Lavras in Brazil and Institut Nationale de la Recherche Agronomique in France - concludes that the absence ...

Acidifying oceans may be harmful to porcelain crabs

( —As the world's oceans soak up carbon dioxide from an atmosphere increasingly polluted by fossil fuels, seawater will become more acidic. Two new studies by San Francisco State University students suggest marine ...

Unravelling the function of small RNAs

Small non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) play a hitherto unrecognised role in regulation of gene expression. To broaden knowledge on the function and evolution of these molecules, a EU project investigated various classes of regulatory ...

Small fish recover faster than large fish

In football, linebackers are usually the largest players and have the endurance required to get through a game plus overtime. But when it comes to fish, larger doesn't always mean stronger. A University of Illinois study ...

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