Searching for new particles using quantum sensors

In a recent study published in the journal National Science Review, a laboratory search for exotic spin-dependent interactions was conducted with an ensemble-NV-diamond magnetometer. New experimental constraints on two types ...

Prototype represents a step toward enhanced soft-tissue tomography

A promising approach for producing medical images with enhanced soft tissue visibility—grating-based x-ray phase contrast—has now advanced from bench-top studies to implementation in an in vivo preclinical computed tomography ...

AI speeds up climate computations

Realistic climate simulations require huge reserves of computational power. An LMU study now shows that new algorithms allow interactions in the atmosphere to be modeled more rapidly without loss of reliability.

Spiders' motion on a web studied as electrons orbiting a nucleus

The tiny male golden orb-weaving spider faces a considerable challenge when searching for a mate. He is a fraction of the size of the massive female, but must carefully enter her web and approach her without being noticed, ...

World's most challenging terrain virtually tested by Buick

It's a technology that would captivate anyone who grew up on video games. What if you could create an exact digital replica of one of the world's most challenging roads and then drive virtual cars on it to see what happens?

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