Understanding the origin of matter with the CUORE experiment

There is so much that we do not yet know about neutrinos. Neutrinos are very light, chargeless, and elusive particles that are involved in a process called beta decay. Understanding this process may reveal the origin of matter ...

Defying gravity with the Brazil nut effect

Physicists from the University of Utrecht and the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw have observed—for the first time experimentally—the Brazil nut effect in a mixture of charged colloidal particles.

Teasing strange matter from the ordinary

In a unique analysis of experimental data, nuclear physicists have made the first-ever observations of how lambda particles, so-called "strange matter," are produced by a specific process called semi-inclusive deep inelastic ...

Quantum 'magic' could help explain the origin of spacetime

A quantum property dubbed "magic" could be the key to explaining how space and time emerged, a new mathematical analysis by three RIKEN physicists suggests. The research is published in the journal Physical Review D.

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