Extraterrestrial oceans – beneath the surface

Icy objects in our solar system have large oceans under their surfaces and here life could evolve and flourish. So says a new thesis by Jesper Lindkvist, PhD student at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics and Umeå University. ...

Studying the solar system with NASA's Webb Telescope

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will look across vast distances to find the earliest stars and galaxies and study the atmospheres of mysterious worlds orbiting other stars. But the observatory also will investigate objects ...

Mechanical quanta see the light

Interconnecting different quantum systems is important for future quantum computing architectures, but has proven difficult to achieve. Researchers from the TU Delft and the University of Vienna have now realized a first ...

Behavior modeling and verification of MA of CTCS-3 using AADL

Successful technologies weave themselves into the fabric of society and essentially slip from our consciousness, as have embedded control systems. Systems with embedded computing units that interact with the physical world, ...

Amazing microdroplet structures may lead to new technologies

Unexpected shapes of mesoscale atoms—structures built of microdroplets encapsulated within microdroplets—have been created at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. The ...

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