Two holograms in one surface

A team at Caltech has figured out a way to encode more than one holographic image in a single surface without any loss of resolution. The engineering feat overturns a long-held assumption that a single surface could only ...

New flowchart to eliminate universe models

Cosmologists have many possible models for the universe, of which only one can be true. A new flowchart detailed in Physical Review D on November 7 will eliminate some of them when two specific universe features are accurately ...

Quantum dark states lead to an advantage in noise reduction

While atomic clocks are already the most precise timekeeping devices in the universe, physicists are working hard to improve their accuracy even further. One way is by leveraging spin-squeezed states in clock atoms.

Putting quantum scientists in the driver's seat

Scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory are conducting fundamental physics research that will lead to more control over mercurial quantum systems and materials. Their studies will enable advancements ...

Trinity physicist finds new way to pack spheres efficiently

( -- New collaborative research has revealed the most efficient method to date for packing spherical objects into a cylinder. Dr Ho-Kei Chan, a Research Fellow from the Foams and Complex Systems research group at ...

Scientists gain new visibility into quantum information transfer

When we talk about "information technology," we generally mean the technology part, like computers, networks, and software. But information itself, and its behavior in quantum systems, is a central focus for MIT's interdisciplinary ...

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