Transforming chaos into manufacturable forms with 3D printing

The further out in time, the more unreliable a weather forecast. That's because small variations in initial weather conditions can completely change the entire system, making it unpredictable. Put another way, in the "butterfly ...

Study: Individuals value information as they do material objects

Technology has enabled the creation of a vast and growing amount of information, leading to benefits (e.g., more data to learn from) as well as drawbacks (e.g., the spread of fake news and conspiracy theories). New research ...

Review discusses using nonlinear optics with structured light

Light can be tailored, much like cloth, weaving and stitching a pattern into the very fabric of light itself. This so-called structured light allows us to access, harness and exploit all light's degrees of freedom, for seeing ...

A quantum approach to a singularity problem

One of the major issues in general relativity that separates it from other descriptions of the universe, like quantum physics, is the existence of singularities . Singularities are points that when mathematically described ...

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