The surprising benefits of group exercise for anxious dogs

Humans weren't the only beings doing it tough with mental health issues during the pandemic. Our pets suffered too—particularly dogs, who are known to pick up on and share our own anxiety and stress. In 2022 owners reported ...

Painting an accurate profile of Adelaide's homeless

University of Adelaide researchers have built a comprehensive profile of homelessness and associated health issues in Adelaide. Their work is published in the Australian Journal of Social Issues.

Will the bicycle help us address pressing social issues?

World Bicycle Day is celebrated on June 3 in support of the idea that bicycles "contribute to cleaner air and less congestion and makes education, health care and other social services more accessible to the most vulnerable ...

Improving mental health for older victims of crime

Psychiatric researchers at UCL are working with the Metropolitan Police and local branches of mental health charity Mind, to trial a new intervention aimed at reducing the distressing psychological outcomes, known to be prevalent ...

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