What a ride! Researchers take molecules for a spin (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Kolomeisky and Rice graduate student Alexey Akimov have taken a large step toward defining the behavior of these molecular whirligigs with a new paper in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Physical ...

International first: Gas-phase carbonic acid isolated

A team of chemists headed by Thomas Loerting from the University of Innsbruck and Hinrich Grothe from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) in Austria have prepared and isolated gas-phase carbonic acid and have succeeded ...

Rare form of silver observed during routine calibration

What started out as an ordinary instrument calibration task using silver turned into research gold for scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Contradicting nearly 40 years of measurement history, the team observed ...

Why fish don't freeze in the Arctic Ocean

German researchers have discovered how natural antifreeze works to protect fish in the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean from freezing to death. They were able to observe that an antifreeze protein in the fish's blood affects ...

Regulating prions naturally

Prions can form in fungi, but there is also a prion antagonist that regulates the system. A glimpse into the unusual properties of proteins.

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