What we want to see on TV: Handsome politicians

The better the looks of United States Congresspersons, the more television coverage they receive, shows a new study from the University of Haifa recently published in the journal Political Communication. The reason behind ...

Better-looking politicians get more media coverage

The better a politician's looks, the higher the frequency of television news coverage, shows a new study carried out at the University of Haifa's Department of Communication, published in the International Journal of Press/Politics. ...

Do you really get paid less if you're 'ugly'?

Do beautiful people earn more while those who are not so gorgeous are paid less? It's not as simple as that, according to Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics and Political Science in the UK and Mary Still of ...

Want to impress on Valentine's Day? Then make sure to wear red

Sexual attractiveness is a preoccupation that clings to us throughout our daily lives. Today's social media obsession with perfect beauty makes being attractive and feeling attractive seem all the more important. Being attractive ...

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