Study elucidates taxonomy and habit evolution of Ainsliaea genus

As the largest genus in the subfamily Pertyoideae of the sunflower family (Asteraceae), Ainsliaea is widely distributed in East Asia and the Himalayas, playing a key role in various plant communities with significant ecological ...

Unlocking salt tolerance: Sea lavender's genetic secret revealed

Recent research has uncovered the genetic mechanisms behind sea lavender's (Limonium bicolor) salt tolerance by studying basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) transcription factors. Identifying 187 bHLH genes, the study highlights ...

Research reveals novel herpesvirus in South American pinnipeds

New research in PLOS ONE uncovers an important discovery in the study of marine mammal health by being the first study to detect Otariid gammaherpesvirus 1 (OtGHV1) in free-ranging South American pinnipeds, as well as a novel ...

Early evolution of cicadas revealed by analyses of new fossils

To clarify the early evolutionary history of Cicadoidea fossils, the phylogenetic relationships between Mesozoic fossils and extant Cicadoidea, the macroevolution of body structure adaptations, and their relationship with ...

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