Solar cell shipments in Japan hit record high in April-June

Demand for solar cells has been growing rapidly in Japan with a record generating capacity of 83,260 kilowatts shipped to the domestic market between April and June, up 82.5 percent from the same quarter last year, a private-sector ...

Video: 'Terawatt challenge' seeks game changers in photovoltaics

Modern society is very much defined by its access to electricity. What if researchers could advance sustainable energy technologies to the point where everyone around the world had access to clean, cheap energy sources? Richard ...

NRL charges Marine Corps expeditionary power requirements

Researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Electronic Science and Technology Division are working to help the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) reduce expeditionary energy supply needs and risks and increase the effectiveness ...

Critical minerals ignite geopolitical storm

The clean energy economy of the future hinges on a lot of things, chief among them the availability of the scores of rare earth elements and other elements used to make everything from photovoltaic panels and cellphone displays ...

How low battery can you go?

With batteries still struggling to pack the same power as petrol one of the great challenges for electric vehicles is extending their range.

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