How plants manage excess solar energy

Life on earth largely depends on the conversion of light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis by plants. However, absorption of excess sunlight can damage the complex machinery responsible for this process. ...

How plants protect photosynthesis from oxygen

During the daytime, plants convert the Sun's energy into sugars using photosynthesis, a complex, multi-stage biochemical process. New work from a team including Carnegie's Mark Heinnickel, Wenqiang Yang, and Arthur Grossman ...

Cyanobacteria can efficiently harvest sunlight with smart antenna

Cyanobacteria have an interesting trick to harvest sunlight during light fluctuations. In darkness, the cells prepare for a subsequent increase in light intensity by adopting a larger light-harvesting antenna. Researchers ...

A blue stoplight to prevent runaway photosynthesis

Through photosynthesis, solar energy is converted into biological energy. It is often thought that photosynthesis becomes stronger as light becomes stronger, but actually photosynthesis may run out of control if subjected ...

The chloroplast connection

Blue-green algae may look simple, but their photosynthetic apparatus certainly isn't. Its mode of assembly remains puzzling, but the loss of a small protein, variants of which are found in higher plants, clearly causes a ...