Molecules could create tiny circuits on computer chips

( -- As the features on computer chips become increasingly smaller, finding ways to fabricate the chips has become a big challenge. In a new study, researchers from MIT have demonstrated that certain molecules ...

More precise method of nanopatterning

“A nanoimprint method has already been achieved in nanopatterning with a high resolution using negative type photoresist,” Kosei Ueno tells Ueno is a scientist at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan, ...

Diagnosing diseases in real time with smartphones

Smartphones are capable of giving us directions when we're lost, sending photos and videos to our friends in mere seconds, and even helping us find the best burger joint in a three-mile radius. But University of Houston researchers ...

Electronics from the printer

( -- Electronic systems designed to perform simple functions, such as monitor the temperature on a yogurt pot, mustn’t cost much: This is where printed electronics are at an advantage. Researchers are now significantly ...

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A photoresist is a light-sensitive material used in several industrial processes, such as photolithography and photoengraving to form a patterned coating on a surface.

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