Tiny bubbles make a quantum leap

Researchers at Columbia Engineering and Montana State University report today that they have found that placing sufficient strain in a 2-D material—tungsten diselenide (WSe2)—creates localized states that can yield single-photon ...

Ultrabright lasers help switch single photons

(Phys.org) —In the search for a single photon source, researchers in Australia and France have achieved a major step towards a turn-key source of individual, precisely tailored photons from an integrated optical chip.

Tiny laser gives big boost to high speed data transmission

(Phys.org) —High-speed communication just got a turbo boost, thanks to a new laser technology developed at the University of Illinois that transmits error-free data over fiber optic networks at a blazing fast 40 gigabits ...

New principle may help explain why nature is quantum

Like small children, scientists are always asking the question 'why?'. One question they've yet to answer is why nature picked quantum physics, in all its weird glory, as a sensible way to behave. Researchers Corsin Pfister ...

'Metasurfaces' to usher in new optical technologies

(Phys.org) —New optical technologies using "metasurfaces" capable of the ultra-efficient control of light are nearing commercialization, with potential applications including advanced solar cells, computers, telecommunications, ...

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