Stable electrodes for improving printed electronics

Imagine owning a television with the thickness and weight of a sheet of paper. It will be possible, someday, thanks to the growing industry of printed electronics. The process, which allows manufacturers to literally print ...

Physicists break color barrier for sending, receiving photons

University of Oregon scientists have invented a method to change the color of single photons in a fiber optic cable. The laser-tweaked feat could be a quantum step forward for transferring and receiving high volumes of secured ...

Scientists demonstrate all-fiber quantum logic

A team of physicists and engineers have demonstrated all-fibre quantum logic, where single photons are generated and used to perform the controlled-NOT quantum logic gate in optical fibres with high fidelity.

Breakthrough for post-4G communications

( -- With much of the mobile world yet to migrate to 3G mobile communications, let alone 4G, European researchers are already working on a new technology able to deliver data wirelessly up to 12.5Gb/s.

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