Combining trapped atoms and photonics for new quantum devices

Quantum information systems offer faster, more powerful computing methods than standard computers to help solve many of the world's toughest problems. Yet fulfilling this ultimate promise will require bigger and more interconnected ...

High-quality microwave signals generated from tiny photonic chip

In a new Nature study, Columbia Engineering researchers have built a photonic chip that is able to produce high-quality, ultra-low-noise microwave signals using only a single laser. The compact device—a chip so small, it ...

Researchers look at thermal stabilization in photonic packages

Photonics offers various advantages, including enablement of high-speed and low-loss communication by leveraging light properties in optical data communication, biomedical applications, automotive technology, and artificial ...

New photonic chips for high-capacity data transmissions

With the growth in artificial intelligence (AI), 5G systems, cloud computation, and the Internet of Things, transmitters with extremely high capacities are required for data communication. Ultrafast optical modulation is ...

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