Team develops method for creating 3D photonic crystals

Dutch researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with ASML, TNO (the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) and TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology) have developed ...

Tiny 'on-chip detectors' count individual photons

A team of researchers has integrated tiny detectors capable of counting individual photons on computer chips. These detectors, called "single-photon avalanche diodes (SPAD)," act like mini Geiger counters, producing a "tick" ...

Futuristic computing designs inside beetle scales

( -- Though it began as a science fair project involving a shiny Brazilian beetle, Lauren Richey’s research may advance the pursuit of ultra-fast computers that manipulate light rather than electricity.

New photonic chips for high-capacity data transmissions

With the growth in artificial intelligence (AI), 5G systems, cloud computation, and the Internet of Things, transmitters with extremely high capacities are required for data communication. Ultrafast optical modulation is ...

'Atomic photon source' based on the movement of atoms

Compact, CMOS compatible on-chip photon sources have attracted much attention to the scientific community and the semiconductor industry. As the transistor's feature size is continuously scaling down, the integration density ...

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