Faster computer graphics

Photographs of moving objects are almost always a little blurry — or a lot blurry, if the objects are moving rapidly enough. To make their work look as much like conventional film as possible, game and movie animators ...

Lasers spectacular

The new laser on the Keck I telescope has inspired two avid Mauna Kea photographers to capture the light show in a series of stunning images and videos. We’ve collected some of their work here for your entertainment ...

How much longer can photographic film hold on?

(AP) -- At Image City Photography Gallery, Gary Thompson delights in pointing out qualities of light, contrast and clarity in one of his best-selling prints - a winter-sunset view of Yosemite National Park's El Capitan peak ...

3-D printers make replicas of cuneiform tablets

Today's Assyriology scholars study Sumerian and Babylonian cuneiform tablets with the help of digital photographs or handwritten copies of the texts, but ideally, they visit collections to see the tablets firsthand.

iPhone app uses crowd sourcing to help the blind

( -- A team of innovative thinkers from several universities working together on a joint project to merge existing technology (the iPhone) with a real-world crowd sourcing application to help blind people make ...

Hidden water holds the key to a changing desert

Passover, which celebrates the Israelites' flight from Egypt, ended Tuesday night. Yet after the exodus, they wandered the desert for 40 more years. There, Moses struck a rock with his staff and made water flow.

Landsat 7 satellite shows tsunami effects in Sendai, Japan

Before and after images from the Landsat 7 satellite show the after effects of the tsunami that followed the 9.0 earthquake off of Japan's east coast last weekend. A side-by-side comparison reveals inland areas inundated ...

New technology to predict future appearance

A Concordia graduate student has designed a promising computer program that could serve as a new tool in missing-child investigations and matters of national security. Khoa Luu has developed a more effective computer-based ...

JFK library opens 1st online presidential archive

(AP) -- Caroline Kennedy is helping to unveil the nation's first online digitized presidential archive, which includes President John F. Kennedy's most important papers, photographs and recordings.

Rebuilding the world one pixel at a time

Who says Rome wasn't built in a day? With the muscle of about 500 computers and 150,000 still images, Steve Seitz, a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington's Seattle ...

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