Coherent oscillation between phonons and magnons

Two different waves with the same frequency and wavelengths can be coupled, so that the amplitude alternates periodically between the two to form a phenomenon known as a coherent beating oscillation. The process can be observed ...

Ultrafast dynamics of topological material probed under pressure

A team led by Prof. Su Fuhai from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), together with researchers from the Aerospace Information Research Institute, and the Center for ...

Method to control magnetic behavior in quantum material

Magnetism, one of the oldest technologies known to humans, is at the forefront of new-age materials that could enable next-generation lossless electronics and quantum computers. Researchers led by Penn State and the University ...

Arsenic helps make black phosphorus stable for energy efficiency

The quest for thermoelectric materials that efficiently convert changes in temperature into electric voltage is challenging. For optimal performance, a material must conduct small amounts of heat and large amounts of electricity. ...

A remote control for functional materials

Intense mid-infrared excitation has been demonstrated as a powerful tool for controlling the magnetic, ferroelectric and superconducting properties of complex materials. Nonlinear phononics is key to this end, as it displaces ...

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