Philippines allows phone use on planes

The Philippines' civil aviation authority said Tuesday it would allow passengers to use mobile phones and laptops to make calls and access the Internet during flights.

Low-cost Free stirs up French mobile market

Low-cost telecom company Free stirred up France's mobile phone market on Tuesday by announcing an offer that includes 4G data services without additional cost to the customer.

US eyes phase-out of old telephone network

America's plain old telephone network is rapidly being overtaken by new technology, putting US regulators in a quandary over how to manage the final stages of transformation.

Hooking phishers of men and women

Phishing is a fraudulent attempt seeking to acquire money, confidential information or other gain such as usernames, passwords or credit card details from people by masquerading as a trustworthy entity such as a bank, service ...

Australia reveals innovative 'video stamp'

Australia's mail service has injected technology into the simple postage stamp—creating a "video stamp" to deliver a personal message that recipients can view on their mobile phone.

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