Google phone revolution or misdirection?

Google smartphones are either a daring foray into the telecom world or a misunderstood test of the next-generation of the Internet giant's Android mobile operating system.

Google to sell Nexus One, a 'super' mobile phone (Update)

(AP) -- Google Inc. began selling its own mobile phone Tuesday, a much-anticipated move aimed at protecting its online advertising empire as people increasingly surf the Web on handsets instead of personal computers.

Nokia admits power problems in N8 top handset

(AP) -- Nokia Corp. said Friday its top N8 model, aimed at making up lost ground in the smart phone market, has had power problems with some handsets not turning on after recharging.

GPS phone apps gaining ground

I got my first GPS device just two years ago, and I like it a lot. Nonetheless, I'm ready to replace the gadget with something better: my phone.

Nokia needs to make Windows phones hip

Nokia has scrapped its smartphone software for Microsoft's supercharged mobile operating system. Now a world enamored by Apple's iPhone and Android handsets needs reason to care.

LG Electronics posts record Q2 earnings

South Korea's LG Electronics Wednesday reported a record quarterly net profit, boosted by brisk sales of flat panel televisions and mobile phones.

Review: Dell Streak is awkward phone, so-so tablet

(AP) -- Lately I've been feeling very self-conscious when talking on the phone in public, and it's not because I'm worried about strangers listening in on my private conversations.

Android smartphones gain more ground in US

Google's Android software strengthened its grip on the US smartphone market, powering nearly 42 percent of handsets as of July, industry tracker comScore reported on Tuesday.

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