T-Mobile halts Sidekick sales after data loss

US wireless carrier T-Mobile temporarily halted sales of the Sidekick mobile phone Monday after a server failure caused many customers to lose personal data such as contacts and calendar items.

Textile antenna promises futuristic communications

(PhysOrg.com) -- With a simple press on his shirt insignia, the captain of the Star Ship Enterprise could send and receive messages. Now, thanks to the efforts of a Finnish company, this futuristic communication may not be ...

U r pwned: text messaging paves way for hacking

(AP) -- Getting a text message is akin to someone sliding a piece of mail under your door: You may not have asked for it, you can't stop its delivery and you have to deal with it whether you want to or not.

Japan explores using cell phones to stop pandemics

(AP) -- A few months from now, a highly contagious disease will spread through a Japanese elementary school. The epidemic will start with several unwitting children, who will infect others as they attend classes and wander ...

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