Is Big Data turning government into 'Big Brother'? (Update)

With every phone call they make and every Web excursion they take, people are leaving a digital trail of revealing data that can be tracked by profit-seeking companies and terrorist-hunting government officials.

US eyes phase-out of old telephone network

America's plain old telephone network is rapidly being overtaken by new technology, putting US regulators in a quandary over how to manage the final stages of transformation.

DOCOMO Develops 8-Band Power Amplifier for Mobile Phones

NTT DOCOMO announced today that it has developed a prototype multi-band power amplifier that accommodates eight frequency bands between 700 MHz and 2.5 GHz, paving the way for lightweight, all-in-one mobile phones capable ...

Online interactions have positive effects for real-life communities

If you think Facebook, Twitter and other Web sites that foster online communication and interaction are merely vapid echo chambers of self-promotion, think again, say two University of Illinois professors who study computer-mediated ...

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