FCC asks Verizon Wireless to explain fees

(AP) -- The Federal Communications Commission on Friday asked Verizon Wireless why it recently doubled the fees it charges customers when they break their contracts on "smart" phones.

From terrorism to HIV, it's all about the network

(PhysOrg.com) -- Similarities between webs of terrorists and networks of rescue personnel may seem unlikely. To an eclectic collaboration of engineers and social scientists, the connections are not only possible, but a potential ...

FCC: Landline number move should take 1 day, not 4

(AP) -- The Federal Communications Commission voted Wednesday to force landline phone companies to act faster when their subscribers want to move their phone number to a rival service.

Robocops unite! Those robocalls are out of hand

Are robocalls driving you mad? Last year, U.S. consumers received about 2.3 billion automated, unwanted phone calls every month, according to YouMail National Robocall Index. That's 51,523 calls every minute. Isn't it time ...

Mapping migrations by using mobile phone data

Researchers from the Complex Systems Group (GSC) at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) have used mobile phone data generated by 9 million users to study the mobility of population from Senegal. Results show a clear ...

Samsung to build mobile base stations for Japan

South Korea's Samsung Electronics said Monday it has been chosen to provide next-generation communications equipment to KDDI, Japan's number two mobile phone operator.

US prosecutors push for anti-phone theft moves

The top prosecutors in San Francisco and New York planned Thursday to announce the formation of a nationwide initiative and coalition of police, prosecutors and other officials in an attempt to thwart a surge in smartphone ...

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