Communication with similar people stronger than believed

People's tendency to communicate with similar people is stronger than earlier believed, which restricts the flow of information and ideas in social networks. These are the findings that an Aalto University research group ...

Review: 'Mega' phone is huge, with limited appeal

Please turn off all electronic devices, the flight crew instructs as we approach Los Angeles. With a small phone, I might have gotten away with ignoring safety regulations. Samsung's new Galaxy Mega phone was too conspicuous ...

Samsung to unveil 'smartwatch' next month: reports

South Korea's Samsung Electronics will unveil its new Galaxy Gear "smartwatch" early next month, ahead of Apple's iWatch, Bloomberg news and a fan site said Saturday.

UK study: Calls place modest fifth in phone time use

( -- Remember when a phone used to be a phone? Not a camera, restaurant finder, music player, social networking check-in, or mini game diversion? A new survey makes it official. Engaging in phone calls has fallen ...

Apple's got its eye on mobile games

In the eye of the typical beholder, Apple's iPhone is simply a popular device, great for fun, on-the-go applications-and phone calls.

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