Digitized images illuminate US colonial period in the Philippines

A scientific explorer for the United States Department of Agriculture, Gerow D. Brill (Cornell University Class of 1888) traveled to the Philippines in 1899 and photographed placid scenes of rice fields, coconut groves, sugar ...

New water trumpet species found in the Philippines

With the help of three citizen scientists, an unknown Cryptocoryne population was found in one of the streams of Zamboanga del Norte province, Philippines, in March 2023. After careful morphological studies and literature ...

New Sonerila species reported from southwest Philippines

The genus Sonerila, belonging to the plant family Melastomataceae, is represented by approximately 194 species. The genus is poorly known in the Philippines and is represented by only two species, Sonerila tenera and S. woodii.

Suspected Chinese rocket debris found in Philippine waters

Philippine officials said Wednesday suspected debris from a recent Chinese rocket launch has been found at sea off two provinces and they were pressing efforts for Manila to ratify two U.N. treaties that allow people to seek ...

No sighting in northern Philippines of Chinese rocket debris

Philippine officials have warned of possible danger to aircraft and ships from debris from a new Chinese rocket launch that might fall in northern Philippine waters, authorities said Thursday, adding no debris has been sighted ...

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