Fungus could wipe out Philippine bananas: growers

A disease that has ravaged banana plantations across Southeast Asia could wipe out the Philippine industry in three years unless the government finds a cure, a growers' group warned Monday.

UN: Growth of slums boosting natural disaster risk

(AP) -- The rampant growth of urban slums around the world and weather extremes linked to climate change have sharply increased the risks from "megadisasters" such as devastating floods and cyclones, a U.N. report said Sunday.

Birds vanishing in the Philippines

The number of birds flying south to important wintering grounds in the Philippines has fallen sharply this year, with experts saying the dramatic demise of wetlands and hunting are to blame.

Philippines probes death of rare eagle released in wild

Wildlife authorities said Saturday they are investigating the death of a rare Philippine eagle, one of the world's largest and most endangered raptors, shortly after it was captured by a local resident.

Endangered Philippine eagle killed by falling branch

A rare Philippine eagle, whose species is on the brink of extinction, was killed inside a conservation group's breeding centre when a branch fell on its cage, the centre said Saturday.

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