Filipinos plan more diggings where new human species found

Archaeologists who discovered fossil bones and teeth of a previously unknown human species that thrived more than 50,000 years ago in the northern Philippines said Thursday they plan more diggings and called for better protection ...

Philippine volcano rumbles with fresh explosions

(AP) -- The Mayon volcano, which has blown its top nearly 40 times in 400 years, menaced nearby residents with small eruptions of ash and lava Wednesday as Philippine authorities moved more than 30,000 people to shelters ...

Philippines' Typhoon Phanfone toll jumps to 28

The death toll from Typhoon Phanfone's battering of the Philippines on Christmas Day has risen to 28, and will likely climb further, authorities said on Friday.

Philippines to ratify climate pact

The Philippines will ratify a global pact aimed at taming climate change, President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday, reversing his opposition to the historic United Nations agreement he previously dubbed "crazy".

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