Tropical Storm Kajiki fades over South China Sea

NASA's Aqua satellite captured one of the last images of Tropical Storm Kajiki as it began moving over the central Philippines on Jan. 31. The storm, known locally as Basyang, dissipated over the South China Sea today, Feb. ...

Endangered Philippine eagle killed by falling branch

A rare Philippine eagle, whose species is on the brink of extinction, was killed inside a conservation group's breeding centre when a branch fell on its cage, the centre said Saturday.

NASA sees deadly System 91W still soaking Philippines

The tropical low pressure area known as System 91W that has been plaguing the central and southern Philippines for the last couple of days continues to bring floods and heavy rainfall today, January 16. NASA's Aqua satellite ...

Natural disasters cost $125 bn in 2013

Natural disasters, led by Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and flooding in Europe, cost a total of $125 billion (92 billion euros) in 2013, German reinsurance giant Munich Re estimated on Tuesday.

UN tasks imaging satellites for Haiyan relief

The United Nations has activated a constellation of satellites to help relief operations in the typhoon-ravaged Philippines, an official said on Thursday.

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