High-tech musical duet gets cheers at Philly event

(AP)—Technology that allows musicians in different places to perform together in real-time was dramatically demonstrated Tuesday in Philadelphia, where a violinist and cellist hundreds of miles apart played a duet as if ...

Wireless providers to disable stolen phones

(AP) -- Major wireless service companies have agreed to disable cellphones after they are reported stolen under a strategy intended to deter the theft and resale of wireless devices.

Space Image: Eastern seaboard at night

(PhysOrg.com) -- An Expedition 30 crew member aboard the International Space Station took this nighttime photograph of much of the Atlantic coast of the United States.

New Galapagos threat: Mosquitoes from afar

Seems like every week a species from somewhere else shows up in a new area and takes over, wreaking havoc. The latest hotspot: the Galapagos, where non-native mosquitoes are arriving via aircraft and tour boats.

Study: Privatized Philly schools did not keep pace

Public middle-grades schools placed under private management in 2002 as part of a state-run overhaul of the Philadelphia School District did not keep pace with the rest of the city's public schools, according to a study published ...

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