Related topics: genes

How predictable is evolution?

Understanding how and why diversification occurs is important for understanding why there are so many species on Earth. In a new study published on 19 February in the open access journal PLOS Biology, researchers show that ...

Flies of the world embrace vegetarianism

(—Microbe-eating flies from at least three different locations around the world recently have evolved into herbivores, feeding on some of the most toxic plants on Earth. Fly detectives and UA evolutionary biologists ...

Quail really know their camouflage

When it comes to camouflage, ground-nesting Japanese quail are experts. That's based on new evidence published online on January 17 in Current Biology that mother quail "know" the patterning of their own eggs and choose laying ...

Predicting the effects of changes on living systems

Can scientists predict what happens when they introduce a change into a living system—for example, if they change the structure of a gene or administer a drug? Just as changing one letter can completely change the meaning ...

The controlled cell

(—An interdisciplinary effort at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) addressed the question of how mRNA content, which is translated into proteins, is regulated in the cell. Supported ...

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