How X-rays pushed topological matter research over the top

While using X-rays generated by the Advanced Light Source (ALS), a synchrotron facility at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), to study a bismuth-containing thermoelectric material ...

Data storage using individual molecules

Researchers from the University of Basel have reported a new method that allows the physical state of just a few atoms or molecules within a network to be controlled. It is based on the spontaneous self-organization of molecules ...

Modeling quantum spin liquids using machine learning

The properties of a complex and exotic state of a quantum material can be predicted using a machine learning method created by a RIKEN researcher and a collaborator. This advance could aid the development of future quantum ...

Researchers apply machine learning to condensed matter physics

A machine learning algorithm designed to teach computers how to recognize photos, speech patterns, and hand-written digits has now been applied to a vastly different set of data: identifying phase transitions between states ...

Physicists made crystal lattice from polaritons

An international research team produced an analog of a solid-body crystal lattice from polaritons, hybrid photon-electron quasiparticles. In the resulting polariton lattice, the energy of certain particles does not depend ...

Nanoscale fluid-phase changes revealed

Millions of barrels of oil are produced daily from shale reservoirs, yet a significant amount remains untouched, trapped in molecular-sized pores on a nanoscale. Current reservoir models can't predict oil behavior or recovery ...

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