New ceramics promise hotter gas turbines that produce more power

Skoltech researchers have identified promising ceramic materials for metal coatings that would boost gas turbine efficiency. If further experimental tests prove successful, the coatings will enable power plants to produce ...

Webb finds ethanol and other icy ingredients for new worlds

An international team of astronomers using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have discovered a variety of molecules, ranging from relatively simple ones like methane to complex compounds like acetic acid and ethanol, ...

Aluminum nanoparticles make tunable green catalysts

Catalysts unlock pathways for chemical reactions to unfold at faster and more efficient rates, and the development of new catalytic technologies is a critical part of the green energy transition.

Exploring microstructures for high-performance materials

In just the first few months of 2024, the journal Nature has published two scientific papers co-authored by Kun Luo, an Iowa State University postdoctoral research associate in materials science and engineering.

Developing data science approaches for nanoparticle synthesis

Typically, researchers attempting to synthesize specifically targeted particles of materials have had to rely on intuition or trial-and-error methods. This approach can be inefficient, requiring significant time and resource ...

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