How bacteriophage resistance shapes Salmonella populations

Researchers from the Quadram Institute and the University of East Anglia have uncovered how resistance has helped drive the emergence of dominant strains of Salmonella. In addition to antimicrobial resistance, resistance ...

How viruses outwit cellular immune systems

We're used to thinking of the immune system as a separate entity, almost a distinct organ, but the truth is much more complicated. Breakthroughs in recent years—some resulting from research performed in Prof. Rotem Sorek's ...

New research finds that viruses may have 'eyes and ears' on us

New UMBC-led research in Frontiers in Microbiology suggests that viruses are using information from their environment to "decide" when to sit tight inside their hosts and when to multiply and burst out, killing the host cell. ...

Giant viruses build a cell nucleus surprisingly like our own

Humans aren't the only targets for viruses. Like us, bacteria become infected by many types of viruses. In fact, across billions of years, bacteria and viruses have engaged in a non-stop evolutionary arms race for survival ...

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