Personalized phage therapy heals resistant wounds in Siamese cat

A new study has shown an advance in the treatment of antibiotic-resistant infections in animals. The research, focusing on a 5-year-old Siamese cat Squeaks with a multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection post-arthrodesis ...

New enzymatic cocktail can kill tuberculosis-causing mycobacteria

With resistance to chemical antibiotics on the rise, the world needs entirely new forms of antibiotics. A new study published in Microbiology Spectrum shows that an enzymatic cocktail can kill a variety of mycobacterial species ...

Researchers uncover new ways to combat pathogenic bacteria

Scientists from Skoltech and research centers in Sweden and Switzerland have presented results that explain the mechanism of interaction between bacteria and phages—viruses that infect bacterial cells. The discovery is ...

Study shows bacterial viruses 'glue' RNA to host proteins

Until now, RNA and proteins were thought to interact only briefly during cellular processes. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg, Germany, have discovered that this is not the case. ...

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